The autumnal equinox is a sacred time of day and night in the Northern Hemisphere. As winter approaches, the light of the year begins to fade and this light begins to turn inward. It signals us to slow down, think, and feel the dark wells in our own being. It signals the coming of autumn. Furthermore, it reminds us of a time to turn inward, purify, and listen to ourselves. Consider your own individual spiritual practice. How do you connect to the spirit and to yourself? Which practices can support you this fall? Ask yourself what you're going to let go of this season. What are you surrendering to? What are you trying to make room for? What must die for growth to occur? Write these thoughts in a journal. Here are some suggestions for you:
Decorate your home with leaves, pumpkins, cones
Keep an autumn diary
Create a bowl of little things to reflect each element
Get plants for you and look after them
Burn your incense
Cook at home! Simple but very powerful!
Study homeopathic recipes and herbs
Burn candles
Build a tiny house inside your house to honor the elementals
Make artworks with fall colors or elements
As the seed of the great oak tree, it symbolizes power, potential, and new beginnings.
The apple is a symbol of luck, love, immortality, and magic. It strengthens harmony, peace, and serenity.
This spice is known for its protective, spiritually uplifting, and cleansing properties.
Cloves are also protective, but also good at expelling negative energies.
Corn is a symbol of growth, longevity, abundance, and nourishment.
This flower honors the light of the sun, our deceased loved ones, and ancestors.
Muscat is used for luck, fidelity, legal matters, and holiness.
The sunflower has a special magic because it can turn itself towards the sun. It always turns to light. The most important thing about the sunflower is its unwavering loyalty to this path. It is a symbol of abundance and damage. The sunflower symbolizes sun, fire, longevity, luck, magic, vitality, warmth, and spirituality. Honor the sunflower in your home to achieve its magic.
Wheat works well in money, fertility, and longevity magics.